Robert Wadlow

Robert Wadlow Life Archive

The Tallest Man of all Time

Freak Museum curates the world's largest collection of Robert Wadlow memorabilia. This extensive archive contains rare and often unique material relating to Robert's life and career. Highlights of the collection include:


1. Robert's medical files

Robert's skin sensitivity chart.


Random page from Robert's medical file.

2. The only known X-ray's of his head, hand and foot

These x-rays show the diagnostic features of acromegaly.


3. Robert's personal high school graduation picture


4. The only known, matched pair of Robert's size 37 AAA shoes

5. More than one thousand original newspaper clippings relating to Robert


6. All of the original legal depositions for the 1939 Wadlow v. Humberd trial

These include among others the depositions of his mother, father, Peter's Shoe Co. representative and two of Robert's personal physicians. And Wadlow's own deposition, a most enlightening document. Robert lost this lawsuit.

7. All of the original court exhibits used in the 1939 Wadlow v. Humberd trial


8. All of the original legal depositions for the 1940 Wadlow v. AMA trial

These include the depositions of the giant Jack Earle, the giant Henry Hite and Dr. Joseph McFarland an expert on giants. This lawsuit was dismissed upon Robert's untimely death.

9. Robert's grade school report cards


10. The only known documented clothing belonging to Robert Wadlow in a private collection, including one of his 28 inch socks



11. An original pencil tracing of Robert's hand, autographed by Robert


12. A single Wadlow shoe once belonging to Dr. Charles D. Humberd

 This shoe was part of the negotiated settlement when Robert lost the Wadlow v. Humberd lawsuit.

13. A cast of Robert's hand, taken post mortem


14. The only known photographs of Robert's open and waiting grave


15. Original posters advertising Wadlow's personal appearances


16. A hand written autobiography written by Robert when in the sixth grade


17. Souvenirs given away at Robert's shoe store appearances

 Two of the many writing tablets given away at Robert's shoe store appearances.

18. The last known photographs of Robert Wadlow taken before his death


19. Artifacts from the undertaker who conducted Robert's funeral

The man charged with this undertaking was Robert's uncle.
Above, a cigarette lighter


20. Peter's Shoe Co. documents relating to Robert Wadlow's employment


21. Robert's college year book


22. A wooden shoe last used to make Robert's shoe


23. The original "Tom Thumb Wedding" class photo taken in 1928. 

Robert was the "minister" who preformed the wedding service.

  24. Robert Wadlow's full set of finger prints.


25. A size 37AA Robert Wadlow shoe in exceptional condition

Please come back, more to come as time permits.

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